
Sara Tiefenbrun | Story Harvester

How do you unearth a brand story?

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read

Hi there Reader,

A couple of fellow copywriters asked me for advice about the story-digging process. They want to know about the story excavation process and how to build an overarching narrative for a brand.

For me, it's like asking, “How do you walk?” Story digging is a simple and intuitive, so it takes effort to break it down, but that’s what I’m doing today.

How does a brand have an overarching story?

Whether you’re a personal brand or a company, your story exists in relation to those you serve.

If you're an expert or guru, the story might be, "I was the lowest of the low at this thing, and I went on a journey to learn some lessons that I can now share with you."

As an illustration, think of Greg McKeown, a thought leader on‌ Essentialism, the disciplined pursuit of less.

Greg opens his podcast with the story of how he left his wife in the delivery suite as soon as their first child was born, so he could attend a work meeting. His colleagues didn’t admire him more for this (and I’m guessing, neither did his wife). That moment caused Greg to reflect on his priorities and reassess them. This began his journey to questioning what’s essential in life.

It’s a neat story and memorable. That mould works for many personal brands but not all.

In other cases, following a process like StoryBrand or using a customer transformation grid help you analyse the before, during and after for your customer. In these processes, you see the customer as the protagonist, working to achieve an outcome. The brand (or you) is the guide who helps them reach their goals. How does the brand affect the customer through this interaction?

What's the practical, emotional, or status transformation that your customer goes through?

This varies depending on the type of brand and the nature of the relationship with the customer. A brand might support their customer to feel a sense of belonging, to identify as an outsider, or to cement their status as a creative person.

For companies, the origin story is often the root of the brand story, but not always.

Another area to explore is the brand’s mission. How does the brand stand apart from the industry they’re in? What changes are they pushing for in the wider world?

Again, customer interviews provide an understanding of the brand’s attributes and the customer transformation. I also use brand archetypes and Codex Persona brand voice archetypes to understand what makes a brand distinctive.

Remember, the most engaging stories and brands don’t tell people what to think. They paint a picture with words, images, narratives, and sounds and allow people to FEEL the resonance of their story.

Continue reading the rest of my advice in this post 7 steps to unearth a brand story


PS Next month I'll be sharing techniques I use during the unearthing process, so stay tuned and forward this to a friend who might be interested.

PPS If your name is missing from the top of this email, it might feel impersonal. Please update your profile so you can feel the warm fuzzy tone I'm aiming for.

Sara Tiefenbrun | Story Harvester

Would you like to grow your business and stick in the minds of your prospects? Story-driven brand strategy is a sustainable way to do just that. To find out more, pop your name in the box and join my email list.

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