
Sara Tiefenbrun | Story Harvester

Have you found your one true thing?

Published about 2 years ago • 1 min read

Hi, my friend,

How are you? Here in Melbourne, the leaves are turning red. And after school holidays and covid-interruptions, this quarter everything speeds up. It’s when businesses spend their budget before the end of the tax year.

This week, I’m winding up a brand story for a creative agency and beginning a positioning exercise for a private school. The phone rings, and I’m asked to deliver a college brand campaign by next week.

Bit by bit, I’m carving out a niche for my kind of storytelling. Helping businesses to find a story worth fighting for.

When you know what you stand for, you can make sure your values, your story and your voice all work together.

The rise of brand storytelling

Today there’s a bigger expectation than ever before for businesses to brand themselves.

They need to signal who they are in the wider market. Customers, investors, and employees are looking for stories to align with.

I call it your BrandSignal. The electrifying message that runs through your business like a current. It connects all the elements.

When I started this business in 2019, a local PR leader told me she thought the market wasn’t mature enough to make brand storytelling a viable business.

Each day it seems more possible. Businesses reach out to me looking for a brand story. They want to be known for something. And they need help putting their stake in the ground.

And now the parodies have started. Concordia Lutheran College poked fun at finding your ‘one true thing’. They describe themselves as Queensland’s best-kept secret and the ‘not-so-average average school.’ Take a look. It’s bound to put a smile on your face.

You can read more about how I work here.

Humanity comes first

The challenge is for businesses to tell a story that rings true. We’re hungry for emotion, a human story, and an engaging narrative.

I'll prove it through a simple exercise on social media.

When I told my family history on LinkedIn, the post got a huge amount of engagement and went viral getting 25,000 views.

In contrast, my post about finding your BrandSignal is a bit lonely. If you're willing to show it some love, I'd really appreciate it.

Your support means a lot. I don’t take it for granted.

How about you? Have you found the one true thing you want to be known for?


Sara Tiefenbrun | Story Harvester

Would you like to grow your business and stick in the minds of your prospects? Story-driven brand strategy is a sustainable way to do just that. To find out more, pop your name in the box and join my email list.

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